Have you ever wondered why your marriage isn't happier? If so, you're
not alone. Numerous spouses are struggling with the same question.
At least part of the answer may lie in the words you use in your
self-talk and in what you say to your spouse.
And what you believe, the
lies you tell to yourself or to your spouse, and what you deny or
rationalize will all affect your marriage intimacy and happiness.
Go through these ten statements and see if you find yourself in
any of them. If so, it's never too late to make positive changes.
1. She'd come unglued if she knew my old girlfriend called me today, so I just won't mention it. (And when she finds out later, you'll have some major trust issues to work through.)
2. I'm not going to tell him how much our daughter's prom dress really cost because it would only upset him. (Lying never solves the real problem.)
3. It doesn't matter if I don't tell the complete truth once in awhile as long as not knowing doesn't hurt him in any way. (You're lying to yourself.)
4. It doesn't matter if we don't have sex very often now that we've been married for five years. (You're only fooling yourself.)
5. The only reason I'm telling you that you're getting fat and need to lose weight is for your own good. (But that's not the only reason you're bringing this up, and your spouse knows it.)
6. I deserve to be treated better, and I'm going to find a way to get even. (The game of getting even always has two losers)
7. We'd be happier if you were more like Jackie's husband. (You're
implying that you'd like him better if he changed. Your spouse will
resent you for the comparison and be even more resistant to changing.)
8. It doesn't matter what I look like and how I dress now that we're married. (Neatness and cleanliness always count, and dressing up for a "date" with your spouse can add excitement to your relationship.)
9. I'll really be happy when I retire in fifteen years. (Focusing on
future contentment is a set up for missing opportunities to be happy
now in the present moment--happy with yourself, your spouse, your
marriage, and your life.)
10. We're going to do something special together just as soon as the car
is paid off (our son graduates from college, the house is paid for, we
build up our savings, etc.). (Even on a low-cost budget, you can find special things to do to have fun and build memories now.)
Thursday, June 21, 2018
10 Beliefs That Can Contribute to an Unhappy Marriage
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